Helping children and young people have their say on support for speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)
This article is take from Communication Matters AAC Forum e-bulletin: June 2017
From Mandy Grist, ICAN:
I CAN, the children’s communication charity, and The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) recently launched the next phase of Bercow: Ten Years On, a national review of support for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in England.
They are inviting children and young people with SLCN to share their experiences of the support they get – what’s good, and what’s not.
Gathering the views of as many children and young people as possible will be crucial to ensuring I CAN and the RCSLT gather the information needed to inform the report.
We encourage you to share information about this important part of the Bercow: Ten Years On consultation with children and young people you work with, parents and carers and schools and settings that you know who may be interested in it.
The Bercow: Ten Years On project team are inviting children and young people to contribute in the following ways:
- By completing a short online survey about the support received – surveys are available for those under 16 years of age and those over
- By downloading and completing a paper version of the survey. Once completed submissions should be sent to or sent in the post Bercow: Ten Years On team.
- A sorting task activity, available to download for children and young people with SLCN, who may not want or are unable to complete a survey online or on paper.
- By submitting a Vlog sharing thoughts on the help received and what it means to have difficulties with talking and/or understanding to
The survey will be open until 28th July 2017 and can be accessed at
To get up-to-date information on project developments, you can sign up to the Bercow newsletter at
For more information visit the Bercow: Ten Years On website, follow #Bercow10Years on social media or email