Exam Access Arrangements
Thinking Ahead around Exam Access with Maureen De Longhi, Advisory Teacher
Recorded: Thursday 19th September 2024
In this online session CENMAC Advisory Teacher Maureen De Longhi provides useful information about organising access arrangements for the 2025 SATs, Key Stage 2 tests and the GCSE exams.
During exams, organising access arrangements can be a nightmare. Throw Assistive Technology into the mix and there is the potential for some students to miss out on arrangements that may better support their needs, because their teachers are either unaware of what assistive technologies are available or unsure of whether they would contravene the rules.
Schools may wish to consider the use of technology to a much greater extent than they do currently. Assistive Technology not only allows candidates to work more independently and is a far better preparation for further and higher education and the world of employment but is also a far more cost-effective way of supporting their SEND students through the exam period.
The aims of this session are to:
Outline the role of AT to improve the ability of students to communicate, learn and achieve as a usual way of working and explore some of the technology available
Look at JCQ guidance to schools and colleges with regard to the use of assistive technology for access arrangements and identify the key points
Consider how to make the necessary applications to enable students to use AT in exams.
Additional Arrangements for Examinations
Download documents
JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications
Adjustments for candidates with disabilities and learning difficulties
Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments
1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025
This document covers the following qualifications:
This document covers the following qualifications:
AQA Applied General qualifications,
AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Maths,
AQA Level 3 Certificate in Mathematical Studies,
BTEC Firsts, BTEC Nationals, BTEC Tech Awards, BTEC Level 2 Technicals
Cambridge Nationals, Cambridge Technicals,
City & Guilds Level 2 and Level 3 Technical qualifications,
ELC, FSMQ, Functional Skills, GCE, GCSE, OCR Level 3 Certificates,
Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification (WBQ),
WJEC Level 1 and Level 2 General qualifications,
WJEC Level 1 and Level 2 Vocational qualifications,
WJEC Level 1 and Level 2 Vocational Awards (Technical Awards),
WJEC Level 3 Applied qualifications
Before contacting the JCQ and/or an awarding body with a query about access arrangements/reasonable adjustments, the SENCo must ensure that this document or the relevant section of the JCQ document Instructions for conducting examinations has been checked. The answers to many queries will be found within these documents.
> Visit the JCQ website – Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration
Gov.UK – Optional Key stage 1 tests: access arrangements guidance
(Please note: This guidance was updated 2 December 2024)
This guidance sets out information about how schools can access and use the optional end of key stage 1 (KS1) national curriculum tests for the academic year 2024 to 2025. While the tests are completely optional, this guidance provides information about how schools can use the tests, including when they will be available and how to get the most out of them. This guidance is produced by the Standards and Testing Agency (STA), an executive agency of the Department for Education (DfE), and is relevant until the end of the academic year 2024 to 2025.
Gov.UK – 2025 key Stage 2 assessment and reporting arrangements
(Updated 12 December 2024)
This guidance sets out the statutory requirements for key stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum assessment and reporting for the academic year 2024 to 2025. It is produced by the Standards and Testing Agency (STA), an executive agency of the Department for Education (DfE) and is relevant until the end of the academic year 2024 to 2025.
> Primary Assessment Gateway for KS2 SATS
Word Q Exam Access Arrangements
Exam Mode turns off WordQ features that may not be allowed during exams/assessments. In particular, those features that may be deemed unfair or allow “cheating.”
A teacher or exam supervisor typically initiates this mode and chooses the time limit.
Prior to starting Exam Mode it is important that the user loads their personal vocabulary and configures their desired usability features, such as Voice, Word List display, and Selection settings.
Useful information for students with vision impairment
UK Association for Accessible formats (UKAAF)
The Examination Subject Group meets to work on specific projects. The group holds responsibility for the Best Practice Guidance Document For Producers and Modifiers and publishes this document annually in consultation with the awarding organisations and OFQUAL.
Notably, the group has recently advised OFQUAL on standards and best practices for the development of modified papers. Members are either Qualified Teachers of the Visually Impaired (QTVI’s), VI professionals or exam modifiers.
RNIB Access to exams and tests
Key information to consider when preparing a young person with vision impairment for external exams.