Lockdown | Student 1
Supporting staff and students to achieve their full potential since 1968.
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Stories from Lockdown
by CENMAC Students
Khamani’s Lockdown
23 March 2020, 8pm. Boris Johnson delivered that dreaded message. OH MY GOSH! Really! Locked in the house! Cannot go out! Everywhere closed. “Hmm,” I thought to myself, “this might not be so bad after all. Late lie-ins for the next couple weeks.”
Well, wasn’t I wrong? My school ensured I had my laptop at home provided to me by CENMAC. I was to continue school work from home. Thank you very much CENMAC! I had no excuse but to proceed with lessons!
Hmm, I thought to myself. This might not be so bad after all
The next day I looked out the window. Where were all the people? I could count them on my one hand. The eerie feeling of the park that was once packed with children, and now sat deserted, quiet and still! The big open green space, where people would sunbath, walk their dogs and play football on the weekends was now abandoned. The park had that vast green space all to herself. It didn’t have to give comfort to the humans. All the humans could do was admire her green beauty from their windows. The sun was finally shining brightly now that we were all locked away. I sat and stared out my window feeling the outside’s peace and tranquillity.
My dinner table was now my classroom table. In front of me, sat my sister and my brother to my left. Head in her hands, my mum had to go between three different subjects at different levels. Maths, Yr 2 Level, Maths Yr 6 Level and my English lesson. Her frustration made me chuckle as I typed away. I did not need my mum to write for me. I had my laptop, so that made it a little easier for her. I still pestered her though!
Weeks went by and I ran into a problem. I sighed. Why could I not print in colour from my laptop. ‘I just don’t understand.’ No option to print in colour! That was just irritating. Well, I got an email from my teacher just in time. She said that I will be having a meeting with her and a member of the CENMAC team via Microsoft teams. I was so excited as this would be my first time using a video link face to face with my teacher and a CENMAC advisory teacher. I was ready for my first meeting. Very grown-up! I clicked into the that link, and there they were! Sitting in their homes looking comfortable and relaxed, just like me. But it was strange. This meeting would usually takes place at school.
So thanks CENMAC! I was locked down, but not locked out of learning. I have continued to learn during these unpredictable times.
Read all the Lockdown Stories in our July 2020 Newsletter
Don’t forget you can share your CENMAC experiences for our CENMAC family to enjoy.
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