- www.mayer-johnson.com American site – manufacturers of the programme. All sorts of tips and extras to download.
- www.widgit.com/support/boardmaker/index.htm British company selling ‘Boardmaker’ – also offer technical support and tutorial.
- schou.sd41.bc.ca/district/boardmaker.htm American school district offering free downloads to add into ‘Boardmaker’.
- www.qedltd.com British company also selling the programme and add-ons.
- groups.yahoo.com/group/boardmaker Online user group for people using the programme. Exchange ideas and tips with others.
- www.inclusive.co.uk/catalogue/acatalog/boardmaker_addendum_libraries.html British company selling the programme and the add-ons.
callcentre.education.ed.ac.uk/About_CALL/Publications_CAA/Quick_Guides_CAB/BoardMaker_CAC/boardmaker_cac.html and
- callcentre.education.ed.ac.uk/Resources/BoardMaker_REA/boardmaker_rea.html Scottish centre supporting pupils using AAC. Help sheets and ideas for using Boardmaker in schools.
- www.mcps.k12.md.us/curriculum/pep/teachercreate.html American school website with free downloads for people to use (Windows only).
- www.baltimorecityschools.org/boardmaker/adapted_library.asp American School Board adapted materials for ‘Boardmaker’ users.
- www.angelfire.com/pa5/as/boardmakerfiles.html, www.angelfire.com/pa5/as/myprintables.html More free American downloads.
- www.fcps.k12.va.us/ss/its/howtos/board/bdact.htm Another American school board.
- aacintervention.com American site run by two speech therapists who specialise in AAC.
There will be more out there but this should get anyone started off.