Anti-Bullying Week 2021


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Anti-Bullying Week 15 to 19 November 2021 | by Wayne McCullough, CENMAC Advisory Teacher


This week marks Anti-Bullying week that reminds us that bullying in schools and the local community is never acceptable. During the week we reflect and discuss on what bullying is, allowing students to identify it, why it is wrong and what they can do to help someone they see who is being bullied. 


© Anti-Bullying Alliance

As cyberbullying has no fixed location, it can happen anytime, anywhere, from a young person’s school to their home.

Bullying can take place in lots of different ways, including name calling, hitting, pushing, shoving and punching. These types of bullying can be identified and more easily dealt with.  


One aspect of bullying which is on the rise and not so easy to prevent is cyberbullying. With the increase in accessibility to technology, such as smartphones and social media, there is a greater risk of people being bullied as perpetrators may be able to remain anonymous and people who are experiencing bullying may not be able to seek help or know who to contact. 


As cyberbullying has no fixed location, it can happen anytime, anywhere, from a young person’s school to their home. It is important that any form of bullying is identified and people can seek help.  


The Anti-Bullying Alliance, who provide support and resources to raise awareness of bullying have some amazing resources which schools and families can use to highlight the different aspects of bullying. Each year, The Anti-Bullying Alliance create a theme and this year it is ‘one kind word’. 


“This year, the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2021 is One Kind Word:

Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us.

This is one of the reasons that ‘One Kind Word’ has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week taking place from 15 to 19 of November 2021”.


One way we can all take part is to raise awareness is to wear odd socks on Monday 15 November. 


As we all return to school and work after a challenging 18 months, maybe we can all say a kind word to a friend, colleague, member of staff to make their day even better. 


Remember, if you are experiencing any form of bullying, speak to someone you trust a teacher, parent, carer or even a friend, this will help to share the problem and get the help you need. Think You Know offer some great resources about staying safe online and can offer support if you experience cyberbullying –


hands holding mobile phone
© Anti-bullying Week

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