The Power of Assistive Technology Films

The British Assistive Technology Association (BATA) is on a mission to raise the voices of children and young people in education, teachers, parents and SENCOs to discuss the benefits of assistive technology and the barriers that are still faced by children and young people in the UK education system.

They have created a series of three films focusing on the stories of pupils with SEN and their journey through education and what the impact it has had on their lives. The films can be used for staff meetings, INSET days and school assemblies to show how assistive technology can change the lives of people using it.


The Importance of Assistive Technology in Education

This film explores the facts and figures on assistive technology when it comes to special educational needs. It shows the importance of assistive technology to change lives as children and young people talk about their journey through education. Professionals, SENCO’s and teachers also talk about its’ importance in their setting.

The Power of AT - Episode 1 - Importance of AT in Education

Lost in Transition – between Primary and Secondary Schools

The change between primary and secondary can be a daunting time for pupils. Transition can be both empowering as well as more difficult. This film explores good practice with the introduction of assistive technology being a means of achieving good outcomes for all.

The Power of AT - Episode 2 - Lost in Transition

Using Assistive Technology

This film offers a wide range of case studies and uses of assistive technology from the point of view of children and young people with special educational needs and how assistive technology has impacted their lives. Examples show how the assistive technology has been used and implemented.

How to get the films?

Download the series of films at

What do I do after seeing the films?

Become part of the conversation and join the “Teachers for AT” Community at

BATA wants to encourage as many educators as possible to join this supportive movement which plans to drive change for Assistive Technology access.

The Power of AT - Episode 3 - Using AT