Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) has been defined by the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC):
“AAC is a set of tools and strategies that an individual uses to solve everyday communicative challenges. Communication can take many forms such as: speech, a shared glance, text, gestures, facial expressions, touch, sign language, symbols, pictures, speech-generating devices, etc. Everyone uses multiple forms of communication, based upon the context and our communication partner. Effective communication occurs when the intent and meaning of one individual is understood by another person. The form is less important than the successful understanding of the message”.
There is a wide range of AAC systems that can support or replace speaking. These can include:
- Gestures
- Sign language
- Communication charts
- Communication books
- Specialist apps
- Communication aids

AAC Monthly Club
Join the AAC monthly club held by Abdi Omar.
Abdi has Cerebral palsy which prevents him from talking in the usual way, he uses high tech AAC to communicate.
Abdi is Founder, Director and CEO of Abdi Enterprises. He has worked as a motivational speaker for more than ten years inspiring and motivating other people with disabilities to overcome the barriers they face.
Abdi works as a consultant for CENMAC helping children and young people using AAC to become more confident with using their devices and to be proud of their disability.
Abdi holds a monthly club for AAC users to get together and try new things. He believes that having a disability should not hold you back from reaching your potential.
To find out more about the month AAC club and join please email:
Find out more about Abdi Omar, watch this video interview with CENMAC student ambassador Khamani.