To turn on/off two button switch on, on the AlphaSmart Neo
Press ‘Applets’ key (top right hand corner)
Using the down arrow key, move through to ‘Control Panel’, press ‘Enter’
Using the down arrow key, move through to ‘Two button On option’
Press ‘Enter’ to disable or if needed press ‘Enter’ to enable.
To turn on ‘STICKY KEYS’ on the AlphaSmart NEO.
This feature means that you do not have to hold down two keys at any one time. For Example, to have a capital letter, you press ‘shift’ then the letter. You do not need to hold down shift. This is very useful for keyboard commands.
Turn on Neo Press ‘APPLETS’ key (top right hand corner)
Using the down arrow key, move through to ‘CONTROL PANEL’
Press ‘ENTER’
Using the down arrow key, move through to ‘CHANGE KEYBOARD SETTINGS’
Again, using the down arrow key, move through to ‘TURN STICKY KEYS ON’
Press ‘ENTER’.
The message will change to ‘TURN STICKY KEYS OFF’.
You can repeat this procedure to turn off this feature.
It is advisable not to change any other settings.