Inclusive Technology (
- Touch!
- Touch Balloons
- Touch Games 1
- Touch Games 2
- Touch Funfair
- Mouse Skills
- CatchMe
- FlipIt! and Slider*
- Kaleidoscope 2*
- Touch Here v2*
- Touch Here Too v2*
(* These programs are exclusively available on the Inclusive Technology website)
- Splatter 2
- Touch Balloons
- Touch!
- Ameba
- Plazma
- Splodge
- Touch It Gardens
- Touch It Transport and Road Safety
- SEMERC Picture Builder
- Touch It Animals
- Touch It Clothes
- Touch It Everyday Objects
- Touch It Food
A lot of cause and effect single switch software (as well as more complex software) can be accessed via a touch screen rather than using a switch or a mouse.