The default setting for access to Penfriend via the keyboard is by using the function keys. If the function keys are not available (for example, when using an AlphaSmart as a keyboard) or if the user cannot reach the function keys, the number keys can be used instead.
Open Penfriend and go to View > Preferences.
Click on the choices at the bottom left hand corner to change Function Keys to Number Keys.
When typing, if you need to use the number keys to write numbers in the text, press Escape to get rid of the Penfriend window and the Space Bar to bring it back.
To change the language in Penfriend, go to File > Default Lexicon.
This will give you a choice of language lexicons. Each folder contains several lexicons at different levels of vocabulary.
Once you have chosen your lexicon, it should be saved under another name as the user will need to personalise it. Several versions of the same lexicon can be saved for different users. Your lexicon will then save all your familiar words such as names and places.
WARNING: If you are not very good at spelling, Penfriend will save your misspellings as well as the correct ones. If this is the case, the lexicon should be edited regularly to ensure it only retains correct words. This is particularly true of foreign language spelling.