- Take the register of your class.
- Take one message to one end of the school and another to somewhere else.
- Make a shopping list and take it to the supermarket. Remind those filling the trolleys what they have to get.
- Say your lines in the school play.
- Join in with all the verses or choruses of a song.
- Join in with the repetitions in a story or poem.
- Give the rest of the class their instructions during ‘Simon Says’ or similar game.
- One member of staff records instructions. The pupil then has to tell the other staff what to do.
- Record a ‘script’ for a social story.
- Do the commentary over the photographs or other presentation in assembly or to the rest of the class.
- Order your food in a fast food restaurant.
- Add the sound effects to drama or sensory story.
- Record your news from home or respite care to school and back again. Use it as a home book.
- Tell a story to the rest of the class. Each message is one page of the book and someone else turns over the pages or presses the mouse or switch to advance the slides on the computer if necessary. This would work particularly well with ‘Big Books’.
- Ask riddles. One message for the question, one for the punchline. Particularly good for ‘Knock Knock’ jokes.
- Record all the different stages of a recipe and talk other people through what they are doing.
- Test brothers and sisters or other pupils on their spellings, mental maths or general knowledge.
- Announce the members of a group or team as they appear.
- Become the caller at a square dance.
- Give out the clues to a treasure hunt.
- Record the timetable and press the machine to find out what you’re doing next when you’ve finished a task. Tell the rest of the class what’s happening today.
- Train your new carers in the daily routine.
- Choose a video or music track from a pre-recorded list.
- Make an interactive display by attaching the machine to the wall next to it. Having different messages might make people come back to find out what’s on the list next.
- Attach the device to a hidden switch and record a selection of rude or amusing messages. Press the switch when people walk past to make them jump.
- Count down to starting something.
- Count objects by recording 1 – 10 for example and then pressing the machine to produce the right number.
- Tell people all about yourself.
- Say prayers or grace.
- Use a list of class members to say whose turn it is next or pick people for a team or group to carry out a particular task.
- Talk on the phone – have several pre-set scripts and use the appropriate one with the appropriate person. (You may only be able to do this with people who know that you’re using a Step by Step).
- Count along the number line or timeline for the rest of the class.
- Tell people the prices of items on your stall at the fete or in the Tuck Shop.
- Organize your time – ‘Today I am….’ ‘Yesterday I was…’, ‘Tomorrow I will be…’
- Direct others to position things or programme the Roamer.
- Name shapes, colours, fractions, coins etc.
- Record the numbers 1-6 and use as a dice (using a Randomizer will be more effective).
- Read a story, chapter of a book, poem etc.
- Name the characters in a story.
- Sequence events in a story or give important details.
- Ask questions in class.
- Recall what was said in class or retell a familiar story putting the information in the right order.
- Carry out a survey.
- Interview a visitor or new member of staff.
- Call out the items for Bingo.
- Recite the days of the week/ months of the year.
- Say your times tables.
- Compare sizes/shapes etc (eg: long, longer, longest)
- Identify geometric shapes.
- Count by 2’s, 5’s etc.
- Find the correct adjectives from a list to describe things.
With thanks to Liberator, Inclusive Technology, Tracey Vincent, Toni Waylor-Bowen & Jessie Moreau et al.