AAC Literacy
A selection of resources for AAC users or anyone interested in learning more about AAC including books, activities and interactive resources.
Eye Can Write
Like water flowing through a watermill the Holy Spirit enables us to be used as God intended and so he gives me the courage to speak up for the voiceless, changing perceptions and prejudices through my charity Teach Us Too and my book Eye Can Write.
Ghost boy
‘Ghost Boy’ is the raw and emotional memoir of Martin Pistorius, who was misdiagnosed when he fell ill as a preteen and had to endure the next ten years of his life trapped inside his own body and not knowing if things would ever change for him.
I’m Only In It For The Parking
A wonderful story through Lee’s extraordinary life from the comparisons with Stephen Hawking, some perilous falls, some epic fails and more information about Lee’s private life than you probably need.
Sweet Home Alsager
This audio is a memoir about a young man leaving home to go to university. It is the beginning of his independence as a young man who has cerebral palsy and uses a communication device.

Something to Say About My Communication Device
Kate is friendly and loves to laugh. She’s also a little competitive. Kate explains how she uses a communication device to help her express herself. The Something to Say Collection promotes self-advocacy, understanding of speech and language differences, and conversation about embracing diversity.
Artie is Awesome
Meet our awesome friend Artie: he loves trains, playing chase, and eating pizza. Artie also has autism. Let’s appreciate the differences that make each one of us special (and also make us really, really cool).
Author Lillie-Ann
Lillie-Ann has an ambition: to write a book. Our English Advisory Teacher’s role is to facilitate that. In fact, at there first meeting, she informed her that she had a series of seven books up her sleeve! Read several of her chapters:
A Voice of her Own
A must-read for children with complex communication needs but also for all of us who need a little inspiration and courage to find our own voices.
Mei is a smart and imaginative ten-year-old with cerebral palsy who longs to connect with people around her. Unable to express herself clearly, Mei feels unheard and alone, caged up like her pet bird Kakoo. Mei and Kakoo’s stories intertwine as they discover friendship, freedom and their place in the world.

How Katie Got a Voice (and a cool new nickname)
A story of challenge, triumph, and acceptance. The students and teachers of Cherry Street School all have nicknames that celebrate their differences. But the new girl, Katie, is really different. She can’t walk or talk so how can the other students involve her in their activities? And how can they give her a nickname?
Sabita Finds Her Voice
It’s a lonely feeling to be unable to communicate your hopes and dreams to the ones you love. Sabita Finds Her Voice is a heartwarming story about a real-life girl on the spectrum, written by her real-life mum, Dr. Stephanie Vavilala.
Sabita, a brave young girl who has autism and is non-verbal, wants to find her voice more than anything in the world. Can a new technology be the key to unlocking Sabita’s voice?
Me and My AAC
Join Ben as he shows you his very special way of communicating. It is different but we think different is good. He uses his AAC to talk to his friends and family. He will take you on an adventure to see and feel the magic he finds in trains. Ben is so glad he has a unique way to communicate with the world and that he can share it with you. The story told from his voice, his AAC.
Animal ABC (AAC Adapted)
Animal alphabet is an adapted book. Each letter is associated with an animal. On each page there are simple sentences adapted with AAC symbols (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) that help in language development.
The book is accompanied by a game to learn gestures and onomatopoeias. Enjoy this educational and playful book at home or in therapy.
1000 Londoners – Matt #183
Each week, a profile of a Londoner is posted on the home page. The profile contains a 3 minute film that gives an insight into the life of the Londoner, as well as their own personal photos of London and some answers to crucial questions about their views on London life.
Project Core
Full of resources and information in implementing universal core vocabulary throughout learning, specifically for those with significant disabilities who do not yet use speech, signs or symbols to communicate in flexible ways.
Communication activities and resources organised into helpful categories and educational phases. Also available is the symboliser for PowerPoint. Support for Speech therapists but also parents, carers, teachers and school support staff.
HKL – helpkidzlearn
A range of interactive activities which are highly motivating and engaging for emergent communicators and for developing early literacy skills. A account can be created to access 10 free resources.
AAC Language Lab
The AAC Language Lab offers lesson plans, activities and a range of resources for teaching and supporting literacy for AAC users. Some resources are free but you can purchase an annual membership for £19.95.
Dynamic Learning Maps Professional Development
Website specifically for the Professional development learning modules for dynamic learning maps. Easy to set up and access modules individually or for group facilitated modules.
Widgit offer a range of resources to support literacy development, some free but if you are a LGFL school then all these resources are available on their website for free.
Crick Software
Brilliant software to support all levels of learners with literacy and recording ideas. When you purchase their software you get access to hundreds of free ready made resources to support literacy in particular.
The Communication Trust
Alternative Paths to Literacy: literacy for children and young people who use AAC.
Literacy for all Instruction
Literacy instruction and information for learners with significant disabilities. Very useful information on old assumptions and the new ways of thinking.
Centre for Literacy and Disability Studies
Centre for literacy and disability studies. Great links here to a range of resources, teaching techniques and information on teaching literacy.
Call Scotland
Communication, Access, Literacy and Learning service for students across Scotland. Both Call Scotland and the AAC Scotland have extensive resources which relate to assistive technology.
LGFL – London Grid for Learning
If you are in London and are a LGFL school, then you have access to the most amazing range of SEND resources for supporting teaching and learning.
Please download PDFS of resources: